Ein absolutes Muss für Star Trek Fans!Die Welt von Star Trek übt auf Fans jeden Alters eine immense Faszination aus. Ob die Science-Fiction-Serie im Fernsehen oder die erfolgreichen Kinofilme – Raumschiff Enterprise hat seit 50 Jahren weltweit Kultstatus!Dieses umfassende Lexikon ist der offizielle visuelle Guide zu den Figuren, Außerirdischen, Raumschiffen und Schauplätzen der TV-Serien. Von Captain Kirk, Spock und Commander Data bis zu den Klingonen, Vulkaniern und Romulanern sind hier alle vertreten. Über 500 brilliante Farbfotografien von technischen Geräten, Ausrüstung und Original-Requisiten zeigen das ganze Star Trek-Universum in nie zuvor gesehener Detailfülle.
Tolle Ausgabe mittlerweile nicht mehr produdziert
Rarität aus dem Filmwelt Center
Get ready to boldly go where no one has gone before with this exciting Star Trek wood model set. The deluxe 32-page hardcover book is packed with information on the U.S.S. Enterprise, from its basic capabilities to its pivotal role in the Star Trek universe. Complete with stunning imagery and behind-the-scenes content, this book and model set is a must have for any Star Trek fan. The wood model is easy to assemble and snaps together to form a dynamic, displayable 3D version of the Enterprise that fans will love.
– Laser-cut, FSC®-certified wood sheet with easy-to-assemble pieces
– Step-by-step instructions
– Coloring and crafting ideas
– A U.S.S. Enterprise book
Skill Level: Advanced
Exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new life and new civilisations can be thirsty work. That's why any Starfleet captain worth their salt needs a copy of Star Trek Cocktails in their ready room. It's the recipe book that boldly bridges galaxies (though you can find all the ingredients on Earth).
Have you ever longed for a taste of Romulan Ale? Or pined for the mellowing effect of Dr McCoy's Mint Julep? Perhaps a Fuzzy Tribble would get you purring? Or a soothing sip of Captain Picard's Earl Grey Martini? This voyage into the future of stylish drinking is a must for all Star Trek - and cocktail - fans. With a galaxy of illustrations and a witty garnish of quotations, this book will help you celebrate your favourite show.
With dozens of recipes from mixology consultants Simon Pellet, Adrian Calderbank, photos by David Burton and Jess Esposito, illustrations by Adrian Salmon and a witty garnish of quotations gathered by Glenn Dakin, this book will help you say cheers to your favourite show and provide enough inspiration to help you launch your own franchise of Quark's Bar.
Product Features:
Hardcover: 152 pages
Author: Glenn Dakin
Diese urkomische Parodie stellt die Klingonen in den Mittelpunkt der Weihnachtsgeschichte – wo sie auch hingehören –, einschließlich eines Klingolaus mit ausfahrbaren Klauen, Tribbles in den Stiefeln unartiger klingonischer Jungen und Mädchen, und der beseelten Feiertagswärme einer heißen Tasse gewürzten Blutweins. Illustriert auf klassische, von Norman Rockwell inspirierte Weise, ist frohe klingonische WeiHnach’t das perfekte Geschenk für jeden Star Trek-Fan!
30 Seitiges Buch mit "Weihnachts-Reimen" und vielen Illustrationen.
Ben Robinson hat einige Bücher geschrieben. Das erste war dieses Haynes-Handbuch, das einen Überblick über die Schiffe der Sternenflotte gab, die den Namen Enterprise trugen. Es enthält CG-Kunstwerke, die die Originalschauplätze der Serie zeigen und von Doug Drexler erstellt wurden, sowie ausgeschnittene Illustrationen jeder Enterprise.Beinhaltet von der NX-01, NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A bis zur NCC-1701-Etolle Sammlung der wichtigsten technischen Informationen in einem BandGroßformat Hardcover 160 Seiten mit unzähligen AbbildungenSonderposten den wir für sie auftreiben konnten
Volume Two of Star Trek: Designing Starships by Ben Robinson and Marcus Riley, takes you behind the scenes to reveal the thinking – and the artwork – behind the design of dozens of STAR TREK starships, from the first doodles to the finished art sent to the modelmakers.
Volume Two covers more than 30 ships including the U.S.S Voyager, Delta Flyer, the Enterprise-J, the Phoenix, Klingon Bird-of-Prey, Romulan Warbird, Borg Sphere, V'Ger and much more. The book is packed with original concept art and includes work from legendary artists Syd Mead and Robert McCall.
The book contains material previously published in Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection along with all-new content.
Star Trek: Designing Starships Volume One is the story of how some of the most talented designers in Hollywood created STAR TREK’s starships from the first sketches to the finished models that appeared on the screen.
The book, which covers the genesis of 30 ships including all seven Enterprises, is packed with original concept art, showing interesting directions that were explored and abandoned, and revealing the thinking behind the finished designs.
Star Trek: Designing Starships Volume One contains material previously published in Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection along with 30 pages of all-new content
Star Trek: Designing Starships Volume three is the story of how some of the most talented designers in Hollywood created STAR TREK’s starships from the first sketches to the finished models that appeared on the screen.
This hardback book covers over a dozen new ships from the modern STAR TREK movies, from the enterprise to a fleet of Federation ships that was barely seen. Along the way, it covers the thinking behind Klingon and Romulan ships and the heavily-armed U.S.S. Vengeance.