This high quality Pinset is additonally to the decorative aspect also an indispensable component for every uniforom.
The pins are copper stamped and have a bicolor surface coating. The Communicator is chrome and gold colored with noble shinie surface.
Four golden and one black rank pip are included in the set. They are good for representating each rank from a normal starfleet officer
The whole Set comes in a nice display case and is also ideal as a gift and is one of the most wanted products on the wishlist.
From Star Trek: Discovery comes all new Starfleet Federation insignia badges.The American television series with a Fall 2017 is set a decade before the original Star Trek series. Discovery's badges feature a unique split-delta design, with brushed metal on the raised portion and a glossy finish on the opposite side.
The gold-color command insignia badge features an extra-tall star.As with all of our Starfleet Division badges, the ones for Discovery are exact replicas of the uniform insignia from TV series, with each design taken directly from the screen-used hero prop.What sets these wearable badges apart from the original is the clasp, which uses strong, short-field magnets that are embedded in each badge itself and in a glossy backplate. No more pinholes in delicate fabric. They can even be worn on leather and suede.All four Star Trek: Discovery magnetic insignia badges are available separately: Command, Science, Operations and Medical
this fullsize metal Communicator pin from Next generation was produced in 1997 exclusive for the German collectors market.
And is one of the most popular item in the Filmwelt Shop.
Star Trek: Voyager fans: Now your cosplay can be perfect! Just add this gleaming, screen-accurate metal badge with its unique magnetic clasp to your uniform, and you're set.
Our Voyager communicator badge (also seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) was crafted using one of the only remaining sets of original molds, which were painstakingly restored in our artisan model shop. With the restored molds we were able to replicate the prop's size and shape exactly.
To get the colors and paint details, we studied an actual screen-used badge. And once we had the design of the original matched, we took the whole thing a step further – rendering the replica in gold and silver-finished metal (the on-screen props were made of painted resin).
What sets this wearable badge apart from the original is the clasp, which uses strong, short-field magnets that are embedded in the badge itself and in a glossy backplate. No more pinholes in delicate fabric. It can even be worn on leather and suede.
Stay tight with your crew and starship with the QMx Star Trek: Voyager Communicator Badge.
Replicated from screen-used and production-made rank devices.
Rankpip Set for Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine und The Next Generation.
Thanks to the magnetic mounting, the rank pips always have the same distance to each other plus your uniform never gets holes again.
All ranks possible: from Ensign to Captain.
This high-quality pin-set is an indispensable part of any uniform.
The pins are embossed in copper.
Included are a black and 4 golden Rank pips (diameter about 0.6 cm). With this set, every Starfleet rank can be created up to the captain.
The individual rank pins each have a plug on the back.
Replicated from screen-used and production-made rank devices.
Rankpip Gold for Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and The Next Generation.
Thanks to the magnetic mounting, the rank pips always have the same distance to each other plus your uniform never gets holes again.
Just 1 Gold Magnet without the back.
this is just an extra if you loos one of the magnets see our complete rank pip set.
This fullsize metal Communicator pin from Voyager + DS9, also used in the Picard movies, was produced in 1997 exclusive for the german collectors market and is one of the most popular items in the Filmwelt Shop.
Live long and Prosper!
With this famous quote ("Live long and prosper!"), The science officer of the Enterprise, S'chn T'gai Spock aka Spock, became world-famous.
As part of an original costume, ideal for conventions, carnival, carnival or Halloween. The Spock ears are made of soft plastic and are very easy to plug on, no glue required.
This Rankpin Set from Star Trek Enterprise includes 4 matted ranked badges for customizing all ranks.
Also included are fabric patterns of the 4 different colors of the original uniforms. These fabrics come directly from the Paramount warehouse and are the original fabrics used for the uniforms.
The set comes in a decorative Plexiglas case.
Pins and fabrics are exclusively available in the Filmwelt shop and nowhere else to find.
Full Metal Communicator and 4 Rank pips.
High-quality production made special for the collectors market in 1995 comes in a nice display case.
Exclusive Product from the Filmwelt Shop.
this halfsized metal Communicator pin from Next generation
was produced in 1997 exclusive for the German collectors market
and is one of the most popular item in the Filmwelt Shop
High quality base cap from Star Trek Enterprise with embroidered logo.
Custom made base cap no cheap mass production.
Production from 2001
Filmwelt Berlin has produced only 50 of these
Rarity from the world of film archives
50% of the earnings will be donated to the Nonprofit Organization Filmwelt Center to preserve the Star Trek Collection.
Star Trek Schnittmuster zur Herstellung von Uniformen.
Enthalten sind die entsprechenden Schnittmuster sowie eine Liste von benötigten Stoffen.
Hersteller Lincoln Enterprise - Firma von Roddenberry persönlich
Dieser Shop war über 40 Jahre aktiv und wurde erst ende 2018 von Roddenberry Junior eingestellt.
Die Filmwelt konnte am Ende noch einen Großteil der vorhandenen Reste erwerben - die Gelegenheit.
Exclusive jetzt im Filmwelt Shop erhältlich für alle Star Trek Freunde die sebbst eine Uniform anfertigen wollen.
restliches Zubehör auch im Shop oder über die Uniformgruppe des Filmwelt Centers erhältlich. Fragen sie einfach nach.
In the world of Star Trek, Phaser are the most widely used energy weapons by Starfleet. The phasers fire Nadion particle beams and have different adjustment options. In addition to stunning and killing, they can also dissolve entire human bodies.
However, they can also be used to heat stones to warm themselves or to cut through stone and walls. A phaser beam can focus on one target or focus on multiple targets at the same time. If necessary, the phaser can also overheat and thus destroy itself.
The Type-2 Phaser also includes a removable Type-1 phaser, both with authentic sound and light effects
Brand new in original packaging
Exact replica of the Commander Rank Pin!
Hand finished!
Perfect for any Starfleet uniform!
Forged from the same molds that produced the original wardrobe prop, this rank pin is hand-finished and constructed from the finest materials. This piece features a dual pin back and measures about 3/4-inch tall x 1 3/4-inches wide.
The Star Trek Starfleet Academy Class Ring (2009) is made of a high-strength, scratch-resistant metal alloy that simulates the sheen and brilliance of polished sterling silver for a fraction of the cost. It was painstakingly crafted from the screen-used hero ring and includes all the details of the original – even the black interior coating on the crest – and is the same size: 10.5 (U.S.).
long out of production
official licenceed
this fulsize metal Communicator pin from Next generation
was produced in 1997 exclusive for the German collectors market
and is one of the most popular item in the Filmwelt Shop
Full Metal Communicator and 5 Rankpips.
High quality production made special for the collectors market in 1997 comes in nice display case.
Exclusive Product from the Filmwelt Shop.